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CEI Fellows-Only Page

This page contains information and links that are only intended for current and past CEI Fellows. Some resources require UWNetid for access.


Current CEI fellows should register for and attend the Seminar in Clean Energy MOLENG 599C  “Current Topic in MOLENG”. Consult the seminars link to see which days seminars are scheduled, it is not every week.


Every CEI fellow is expected to participate in at least 2 outreach events during the year.

Request CEI Business Cards for Fellows

Current outreach events signup

Descriptions of outreach resources

Product of Lasting Value

Every CEI fellow is expected to complete a product of lasting value by May 15th, 2019.

Ideas for products of lasting value

CEI Lesson Template

Research Ethics

Undergraduate researchers should complete our Responsible Conduct of Research canvas course.

Energy Education

Energy Primer Canvas Course

David Ginger Onboard Slides

Daniel Kirschen Onboard Slides

If you are preparing a grant, consider collaborating with CEI for outreach on your grant proposal.

Collaborate for Outreach

Logo and Acknowledgements

Please be sure to give credit to CEI for any presentations or publications.