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Careers in Clean Energy

Career Resources

On-Campus Organizations and Programs
Washington State Organizations, Internships, and Programs
Out-of-State Organizations and Programs
Out-of-State Internships
Out-of-State Fellowships
Post-Graduate Fellowships (requires Masters)
Post-Doctoral Fellowships (requires Ph.D.)

Science Policy

Many students are interested in science policy as an aspect of their training and as a possible career. The CEI Policy Analysis Program offers students an opportunity to study science policy alongside the CEI Policy Analyst-in-Residence (PAIR).

Example Careers in Science Policy
  • Congressional or federal science advisor – stay up-to-date on science and technology; provide advice on scientific, engineering, and technological aspects of economy, security, health, foreign relations, environment, etc.; assists in management and budget review; serves as source of scientific judgement and technological analysis and judgment with respect to policies, plans, and programs
  • Consultant – create frameworks and guidelines for regulation; assess changes and concerns in current technologies; develop, test, and deploy useful technologies
  • Diversity advisor – ensure that federal policies are protective of underrepresented minorities, people with low income, communities of color, etc.; help organize and mobilize citizens to campaign for policies; research and prepare presentations for legislative hearings
  • Education & Outreach Manager – coordinate and assist with creating public education and marketing plans and materials; write engaging and informative text for press or instructional purposes; organize outreach efforts at events, shows, etc.; communicate effectively to diverse audiences
  • Higher education policy analyst – study how public, private, and for-profit universities are affected by government regulations; prepare briefs on relevant policy proposals; does background research on collaborations for university partnerships; research and prepare presentations for legislative hearings
  • Judicial analyst or research associate – provide education and training for judges and employees of the federal court; coordinate educational programs for federal public defenders; research aspects of case management, alternative dispute resolutions, proposed amendments to rules, etc.
  • Judicial defense scientist – understand and explain science behind regulations; advocate for regulations that are consistent with science, health policy, and environmental law; provides testimony and scientific briefings for members of congress, federal advisory committees, etc.
  • Lobbyist – advocate for budgets, laws, or regulations; develop campaigns, advocate, fundraise, and advertise agendas aimed at specific issues; research the development and operation of political system, political ideas, trends, etc.; speak on behalf of special interest groups or industries to influence voting and implementation of laws.
  • Policy analyst or advisor – monitor and report the activities of federal agencies, congress, etc., represent organization at meetings and conferences, writing papers and briefs; communicate scientific findings to the public
  • Science communication and engagement – present science-related topics to non-experts, including the public and policy makers; communicate policy to scientists; create science exhibitions, articles, media production, etc.; address scientific misinformation