The University of Washington Clean Energy Institute invites you
to help us launch a new lab that will transform
battery innovation in the Pacific Northwest.
Battery Lab Launch
Friday, October 11, 11:00 am
Washington Clean Energy Testbeds
4625 Union Bay Pl NE, Seattle, WA 98105
A new all-in-one suite of equipment for scaling next-generation batteries will accelerate the commercialization of emerging energy storage technologies.
Following remarks from Governor Inslee and representatives of Group14 Technologies, Big Bend Community College, and CEI, guests will have the opportunity to explore the Washington Clean Energy Testbeds and interact with UW students and faculty as well as Testbeds industry users and staff scientists.
Meet the researchers and learn about next-gen batteries, advances in electrode manufacturing, the role of AI in battery R&D, and the UW’s new certificate program that can launch a career in battery engineering for any STEM graduate.