David Ginger and Yury Dvorkin
On June 15, about 100 CEI faculty, students, and committee members gathered at the site of the CEI’s future testbed facilities in the Bowman Building to celebrate the accomplishments of the year. Speakers used a solar-powered podium (MobE) provided by Seattle City Light. Visitors were able to get a sneak peak of the new Washington Clean Energy Testbeds scheduled to open later this year and see demos, lessons, videos and kits developed by the Clean Energy Fellows.
The Institute presented awards for exceptional contributions in the areas of scientific achievement and education and service to two outstanding fellows. CEI Fellow Yury Dvorkin, who has worked on modeling of renewable energy interaction with the grid was presented with the CEI Scientific Achievement Award. Yury published 10 papers and has now moved to faculty position. CEI Fellow Katie Corp was awarded the CEI Education and Service award in recognition of her consistent and valuable outreach activities. Katie participated in 19 outreach events and built a kit called the “electrochemical chameleon.”

Katie Corp demonstrates the Electrochemical Chameleon to James Gaynor