The following materials are available for Clean Energy Ambassadors to check out for activities.
CEI has a collection of prepared visual and hands-on demonstration materials that can be “checked out” by interested members of the energy research community. We just ask that you get trained first!
These materials are the end-product of many hours of staff and graduate student/post doc work. Contact Shaun Taylor to arrange training and check the materials out.
CEI Elementary Overview is a general awareness program presentation for elementary school students.
The CEI High School presentation provides some background energy information and explores our research areas and career opportunities in clean energy for high school students.
Print Materials
Use this handy outreach checklist to make sure you have everything you need before heading out.
This one page flyer Clean Energy Careers provides ideas of careers and preparation in the fields of clean energy.
Solar Spectrum Bookmark shows the wavelength of light in the solar spectrum and how each type of cell absorbs.
These large-format posters may be useful for outreach events or as classroom teaching aids, click download below for your own copy.
Solar Display Cards Kit
Dig deep into the anatomy of many different types of solar cell technologies, and then power a spinning wheel or flashing light! These panels are sized for on-table display; each one is approximately 12″ high. We also have a Konarka plastic solar cell panel and solar generating bag with flexible plastic solar cells. Be sure to bring a portable clip on light to illuminate the cells.
Assemble your own solar display signs –PVcelldisplaycards
SunDawg Display
The SunDawg is our flagbearer for showcasing our energy research efforts as well as basic energy ideas. It is a free-standing, portable and high-tech set of modular demonstration panels, designed by an interdisciplinary group led by architecture Prof. Rob Peña. Shaun Taylor did much of the work in assembling the hands-on sections. Each panel stands approximately 6 feet tall and weighs about 20 lbs. The left panel houses a digital picture frame. The right panel shows how different wavelengths (colors) of sunlight are used by solar cells, and also houses a selection of solar cells that power the UW rotator.
Watch the UW360 video about the SunDawg
CEI Roller Poster
This portable 3ft x 6ft roller poster explain the integration of the three CEI research areas into a complete energy system. The bottom half the poster shows example research topics carried out at various scales from nanometer to kilometer.
Preview the poster here: CEI roller poster_web
Solar Cell Photon Toss
This interactive exhibit is a bean bag tossing game which teaches about the energy of different colors of light and how a solar cell works. Kids toss colored bean bags at a model solar cell and make the lights blink if they hit the hole with the right color. This is a great physical activity for elementary age kids. Read the Photontoss-lesson
Earth Abundant Materials Collection
We have small mineral collection that compares the production of critical elements that are used, or could be used in the renewable energy industry.
Carbon Models
Carbon nanotubes, graphene and buckballs (C60), all novel materials that are useful in emerging energy research.
Build A Solar Panel Kit

Single cell solar panel with clip leads
In this activity for elementary to high school, students attach leads to an unmounted solar cell and then attach clip leads to make a mini solar panel. The kit has cells, plastic backing sheet, copper tape, clear laminating film and clipleads.
Build A Sunspinner Kit
In this activity for elementary to high school, students attach leads to an unmounted solar cell, mount in a petri dish and then attach to an electric motor. The kit has cells, petri dishes, copper tape and motors.
Solar Car Derby Kit
These 7″ balsa wood platforms come hook-up ready for a solar powered panel of your choice! The kits come with a variety of solar cells, clip leads, chassis, and materials to customize the cars. Great for figuring out how to make version that go fast, faster …fastest! Some have batteries to show energy storage. Also a racetrack border and set of high wattage work lights are available to make these run for indoor or night time events.

Mini solar cars Shine a flashlight on these little guys and watch them speed away! The cars are approximately 1.25″ long.
SunDawg Bags
SunDawg Bag with lessons are available for elementary teachers. We bring a few dozen of these with us for events and have teachers sign up to receive a free copy on the spot.
Schools can also sign up for a Solar Exploration kit that has multiples enough for an entire class.
Electrochemical Chameleon Kit
This kit has all the supplies for students to perform electrolysis of water with 9 volt batteries and which show colorful changes in an indicator solution.
Energy Storage Kit
Students can experiment with the different electric potentials that are creating by combining different metals in a galvanic cell. They can charge a fuel cell car with solar energy splitting water to create hydrogen and oxygen and then recombine these in fuel cell. Charging, discharging characteristics of capacitors and batteries can be compared with a data logging probe. A variety of batteries are available to display.
A Battery From Household Chemicals – Demo Instructions– demo guide
Fun with Fluorescence Kit
Absorption and Fluoresence– with USB spectrometer. You can measure the absorption spectrum for a liquid and excite the solution with different wavelengths of light. The instrument also has a fiber optic guide for measuring the emission spectra of lights.
Touch Screen Clean Energy Explorer
This touch screen museum style app is installed on an HP Eliteone 800 All in One touchscreen computer with a 22″ screen. It is ideal for setting up at kid-level on table during an outreach events. The app has several interactive screens including building a solar panel, constructing an energy system, Li Ion battery, smart grid, and exploring potential Washington energy sources.
Other Outreach Materials and Kits
Primary Level
- Light Basics Kit: lens, colored flashlights, spectroscope, polarizing filters, glow paper, uv beads, diffraction grating
- Solar Cell Photon Toss: Toss red, green and blue bean bags into a solar cell poster to see which makes the lights blink
- Solar Spinner Activity Kit
- Thin films demo: create a colorful interference pattern with nail polish that is spread to a few molecules thickness (contact Paul Neubert from UW MolES)
Secondary Level
- Telecommunications Kit: fiber optics, lasers, Michelson interferometer
- Dye Sensitized solar cell kit: Build a Graetzel dye sensitized solar cell using TiO2, berry derived dye, ITO, and an electrolyte
- Solar cell characterization: Use a laptop, USB voltmeter, and a variable resistor to measure the efficiency of a solar cell.
- Phosphorescent Decay: Use a laptop, USB light sensor, and glow-in-the dark paper to measure an exponential decay curve.
- Build A Solar Panel
- Absorption and Fluoresence: with USB spectrometer
- A Battery From Household Chemicals – Demo Instructions: demo guide