Our Mission
The Clean Energy Institute (CEI) at the University of Washington (UW) was founded in 2013 with funds from the state of Washington. Our mission is to accelerate the adoption of a scalable and equitable clean energy future that will improve the health and economy of our state, nation, and world. To accomplish this, CEI supports the advancement of next-generation solar energy and battery materials and devices, as well as their integration with systems and the grid. The Institute creates the ideas and educates the people needed to generate these innovations, while facilitating the pathways to bring them to market.
CEI Annual Reports
History Highlights
October: With support from the National Science Foundation, CEI launches the Data Intensive Research Enabling Clean Technologies (DIRECT) program, training graduate students in data-enabled discovery and design of advanced materials for clean energy.
October: CEI opens its Research Training Testbed in the NanoES building, providing UW students access to industrial-quality research tools and training in clean energy. CEI faculty establish a hands-on “Energy Materials, Devices, and Systems” course in the RTT for upper-level undergraduate and first-year graduate students.
December: Testbeds Managing Director Michael Pomfret wins 2018 CleanTech Alliance & Northwest Environmental Business Council Energy Leadership Achievement Award.
NWCIN launches CleanTech Hardware Innovation Prototyping (CHIP) program, providing entrepreneurs and early-stage startups with up to $25k of in-kind access to the Testbeds.
CEI establishes the Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship and recruits its first cohort of four recent Ph.D. graduates.
UW Engineering seniors work with tribal and county agencies on the North Olympic Peninsula to execute the first three Community Capstones in Clean Energy.
October: CEI unveils plans to expand the Testbeds with state-of-the-art capabilities for scaled prototyping of emerging battery technologies.