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CEI provides graduate and undergraduate students with a wide variety of opportunities and resources.
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CEI Member Faculty, Affiliate Member Faculty, and Senior Fellows make up a community of clean energy researchers, innovators, and leaders aligned with CEI's mission.
A young student in a University of Washington hoodie assembles a solar spinner from a small panel and a petri dish.
Our educational resources help inspire future clean energy scientists and engineers.
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Our partnerships with communities, industry, government and nonprofit organizations, and individual donors accelerate solutions for a healthy planet.

Give to CEI

The Clean Energy Institute’s mission is to accelerate the adoption of a scalable and equitable clean energy future that will improve the health and economy of our state, nation, and world. Your support will enable CEI programs that focus on clean energy education and innovation. If you’d like to speak with someone about giving to CEI, please contact Angela Prosek at


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