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Membership & Affiliation

There are currently three categories of CEI affiliation for faculty and professionals: CEI Member Faculty, CEI Affiliate Member Faculty, and CEI Senior Fellows. The eligibility criteria, responsibilities, benefits and procedures for becoming a member for each category are outlined below.

Member Faculty

CEI resources such as fellowships, facilities, and professional development, are available to all UW faculty and trainees regardless of their (or their adviser’s) affiliation status. Full CEI membership is designed to help identify and recognize UW faculty who are focused on proactively advancing CEI’s mission in the area of research, education, and/or technology transfer.

  • UW Faculty
  • Active participant in the CEI community via research in CEI-related fields, education, innovation, and/or other significant contributions to the community broader impacts that advance CEI’s mission
Rights & Responsibilities
  • CEI Members are expected to: participate actively in the life of the Institute by participating in seminars and events, nominating and meeting with seminar speakers, responding to information and media requests, proposing and leading new initiatives, investing time to support the CEI fellowship program, participating in seminars and meetings, applying for fellowships and collaborative programs, and participating in relevant events and outreach activities. Members will receive priority notification of opportunities for funding, networking, support, and representing CEI at state and local functions through the email list. The trainee and faculty advisory board (TFAB) of CEI, the institute’s main vehicle for internal consultation and decisions on Fellowships, other resource allocations, and policy, is majority composed of Member Faculty. In short, Member Faculty are recognized as essential contributors to the Institute.  In addition to the rights and responsibilities for Affiliate Member Faculty (listed below), it is expected that members will:
    • Include content on their own public website that demonstrates active participation in CEI-related activities and priorities (from research to education/ broader impacts). CEI’s logo can be found here
    • Promote CEI activities via their social media accounts and to their professional communities.
    • Nominate and confirm an early career scientist from their group to participate in CEI’s Trainee Advisory Board
    • Participate in DEI and mentoring trainings as they are developed
    • Regularly communicate with CEI staff and leadership regarding research, broader impacts, grant activity, and strategic planning
Membership Procedures
  • Submit a nomination or self-nomination for CEI faculty membership below
  • Nominations will be evaluated at least annually in the fall quarter by the CEI Chief Scientist who will consult the CEI Trainee and Faculty Advisory Board (TFAB) for an advisory vote. Appointments will require a majority of cast votes and concurrence by the Chief Scientist.
  • Selected members will be added to the CEI website and appropriate email lists.
  • CEI Member Faculty will be reviewed every 3 years by the CEI Trainee and Faculty Advisory Board (confirmed by simple majority vote by TFAB)
  • Membership can be revoked any time by a majority vote of all TFAB members with at least ⅔ of voting members responding

Affiliate Member Faculty

While not everyone is fully aligned with the CEI mission, nor do all have the time to commit to CEI research, education, or technology transfer activities at the level of a full member, CEI recognizes the benefits of cultivating a broader network of affiliate member faculty interested in advancing these scalable clean energy solutions through innovation, education, and commercialization. CEI resources such as fellowships, facilities, and professional development are available to all UW faculty and trainees regardless of affiliation or member status. Shared resources such as facilities and testbeds are open to the public under the conditions of current user agreements. 

  • Faculty from UW and other universities; professionals from industry, national laboratories, state and federal government, and philanthropic organizations who share a common mission with CEI
  • Demonstrate evidence of interest in engaging the CEI community via research, education, or other contributions to broader impacts that serve CEI’s mission and research foci through tangible actions and interactions
Rights & Responsibilities
  • CEI Affiliate Member Faculty are expected to take interest in the life of the institute through occasional participation in seminars and events, research and educational collaborations with CEI trainees and members, and responding to occasional requests from CEI for information and input. They are encouraged to connect with and promote CEI’s activities on social media platforms and on their website. In addition, CEI Affiliate member Faculty will:
    • Receive notification of opportunities for research collaborations and funding
    • Be invited to events such as our seminar series, workshops with climate tech leaders, and the biennial ORCAS Conference historically held at Friday Harbor in the San Juan Islands
    • Be invited to nominate speakers for the CEI seminar series
    • Receive notification of opportunities for UW students such including CEI Fellowship funding (applications are generally each spring for the following AY), travel awards, and other professional development opportunities.
    • Receive information about our REU (non-UW) and MSEP ALVA summer programs for undergraduate summer students 
    • Be notified of new capabilities and opportunities in our research facilities, including the Washington Clean Energy Testbeds
    • Be invited to participate in activities which support broader impacts components of research proposals
    • Have the option (but not the requirement) (UW faculty only) to nominate a group member/affiliate to the Trainee Advisory Board
    • Affiliate Member Faculty will be included on mailing list and notified of news, events, seminars, and opportunities
    • Have the opportunity to develop deeper ties with CEI programs and resources including facilities, community outreach, and professional development
    • Be invited to participate in CEI’s DEI and mentoring training programs as they are developed
    • Be invited (on a space-available basis) to attend events hosted by organizations that CEI holds membership in  (e.g. Clean Tech Alliance, E8)
Membership Procedures
  • Prospective Affiliates should submit a form below
  • Requests will be reviewed quarterly by the CEI Chief Scientist or Director
  • Selected persons will be added to the CEI website and appropriate email lists
  • CEI Affiliates will be reviewed every 3 years and will be renewed or terminated at the request of the Affiliate and concurrence of the CEI Chief Scientist or Director
  • An Affiliate that requests removal from the email list will automatically be assumed to be requesting removal from the Affiliates list unless they communicate otherwise
  • Affiliate membership can be revoked by an electronic vote of the majority vote of voting TFAB members

Faculty Nomination Form

    Please fill out this form to be considered for CEI affiliation/membership.

    Nominator name (if nominating someone else, otherwise write "self")*

    Nominee First Name*

    Nominee Last Name*


    Home Department*

    Nominee Title*

    Nominee Email*

    CEI-related research interests for web site listing (100 words or less)*:

    Recent awards, noteworthy publications, or news about you or your group:*


    Web site URL:*

    Other comments or suggestions:

    Please upload faculty CV here:

    Senior Fellows

    CEI recognizes that external partners in both government and the private sector are critical to advancing CEI’s mission of accelerating the adoption of a scalable and equitable clean energy future through distinctive partnerships and activities in research, education, and/or technology transfer. CEI Senior Fellow is a position of distinction that is conferred on distinguished external partners in recognition of their tireless and ongoing commitment to advance CEI’s mission and goals through both their own independent work, and their relationships with CEI and its stakeholders.

    Senior Fellow Membership Benefits
      • Be invited to speak and receive an honorarium at the CEI Seminar Series
      • Be invited to CEI events such as the ORCAS conference historically held at Friday Harbor in the San Juan Islands
      • Be eligible to nominate other CEI Senior Fellows
      • Be invited to nominate speakers for future CEI seminar series
      • Receive priority notification of CEI and WCET activities such as industry days and entrepreneurship workshops
      • Receive priority notification of CEI community activities, outreach, and opportunities for new collaborations
      • CEI Senior Fellows will be included on the mailing list and notified of select events, seminars, news, and opportunities; senior fellows may elect to be added to the mailing list for more regular updates
    Membership Procedures
    • Nominations should be submitted by core CEI Member Faculty (members of or CEI staff including Collaboration Core Administrator, Associate Director of Communications & External Relations, Managing Director and Senior Staff Scientists of WCET, and Operations Manager
    • Submissions can be sent directly to
    • Nominations should include CV and statement of support by from at least one core faculty

    While CEI Senior Fellow is an honorary title, senior fellows are encouraged to develop deeper ties with CEI programs and resources including facilities, community outreach, and professional development by:

    • Contributing to professional development activities for CEI including hosting CEI student fellows for internships 
    • Serving as external mentors for CEI students and volunteering to serve on advisory committees 
    • Sponsoring student tech treks
    • Displaying the CEI logo/acknowledge CEI in reporting of partnerships