Researchers Uncover Design Principles for Polymers that Can Transport Both Ions & Electrons
David Ginger, CEI’s chief scientist, along with members of his research group, and students from professor Christine Luscombe’s lab, published a paper in Nature Materials this month that uncovers the design principles for making a conductive plastic polymer that can transport both ions and electrons more effectively. ...
Staying Power: A New X-Ray Tool to Accelerate Battery Research at UW
A new tool developed by UW Clean Energy Institute faculty and students will provide important insights that could help engineers design more efficient and cost effective ways to produce and store energy, as well as power new devices such as electronics, cell phones and hybrid electric vehicles. ...
The Next Revolution in Solar Energy: High Efficiency Printable Tandem Solar Cells
Funding from the U.S. Department of Energy SunShot Initiative will help catalyze the development of next-generation solar cells at UW. ...
Research Update: Solar Panels Ideal for Cloudy Climates?
When it comes to solar energy research it's better not to be self-absorbed according to researchers at the University of Washington and Western Washington University. ...