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Giang Le

Giang Le

I hope to demonstrate the ability to use non-linear electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (NLEIS) for solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) performance diagnosis. Advisor: Stuart Adler — Chemical Engineering ...

Orion Dollar

Orion Dollar

I plan to use machine learning, a genetic algorithm and molecular dynamic simulations in tandem to thoroughly explore the solute/IL space and return candidate electrolytes that are electrochemically stable with desirable transport characteristics. Advisor: Jim Pfaendtner - Chemical Engineering ...

Qiu Ru Linnette Teo

My research aims to further the technique of Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) by looking at joint time-frequency analysis of an impedance-like response about a non-steady periodic condition, e.g. when a battery is charging. Advisor: Venkat Subramanian - Chemical Engineering ...

Erica Eggleton

My current research focuses on developing a battery and vehicle model that utilizes geographic information system (GIS) data to predict the state of health of lithium-ion battery packs for hybrid-electric buses. Advisor: Daniel Schwartz - Chemical Engineering ...

Jonathan Witt

I will measure the rate of change of gas phase species with electrochemical impedance to give a set of stringent criteria for determining reaction mechanism and kinetics for co-electrolysis of C02 and H20. Advisor: Eric Stuve - Chemical Engineering ...

Nicole Thompson

My research will focus on developing novel processing techniques to incorporate dopants more efficiently and cost effectively into earth abundant and nontoxic semiconductor nanocrystals. Advisor: Vince Holmberg - Chemical Engineering ...

Monica Esopi

My anticipated research will focus on designing and fabricating large area nanopatterned metal films for incorporation, as a transparent electrode, into organic solar cells. Advisor: Qiuming Yu - Chemical Engineering ...

Neal Dawson-Elli

My research will focus on using artificial neural networks to create surrogate models for physics-based battery models for parameter estimation, real-time control strategies, and educational tools. Advisor: Venkat Subramanian - Chemical Engineering ...