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Wenjin Zhao

Heterostructures of 2D materials, such as those formed by stacking monolayers of the semiconductors MoSe2 and WSe2, offer potential new routes to efficient, stable and flexible solar cells. ...

Paul Nguyen

Solar energy technology combines materials tailored to exploit the physics at their junctions which enable light energy collection, and extraction as electricity. A promising class of candidate materials is the layered semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs). Advisor: David Cobden, Physics ...

Todd Karin

The III-V semiconductor material system takes a prominent place in the arsenal of light-harvesting and light-producing technologies: it is used in commercial LEDs and in the highest efficiency solar cells. Advisor: Kai-Mei Fu, Physics ...

Matthew Yankowitz

Washington Research Foundation Innovation Assistant Professor in Clean Energy Assistant Professor, Physics, Materials Science & Engineering Email | Web Site CEI-related research interests: Investigation and control of novel electronic states in quantum materials — in particular with a focus on atomically-thin van der Waals materials and heterostructures. ...