Fellowship Details
The CEI Graduate Fellowship funds exceptional researchers studying energy across a variety of fields at the University of Washington, including chemistry, chemical engineering, electrical & computer engineering, mechanical engineering, materials science & engineering, physics, energy equity, public policy, international studies, and political science, to apply their talents to clean energy research projects. CEI Graduate Fellows conduct cutting-edge, original research that advances the adoption of scalable and equitable clean energy solutions, while also engaging in professional development events and outreach activities. Fellows cultivate their science communication skills while also improving public understanding and awareness of contemporary issues in clean energy.

Objective and Focus
To encourage excellence in research and education by supporting highly talented, motivated, and engaged graduate students to work on CEI-related topics.
To prepare and empower the next generation of clean energy leaders and innovators to make a meaningful impact on society through activities such as technology transfer and commercialization, education and public outreach, science communication, and mentorship.
To be eligible for fellowships during the 2025–2026 academic year, students must have begun their doctoral study between June 1, 2022 and September 31, 2024 and should not be planning to graduate before June 15, 2026. Incoming first-year students are not eligible; students must have begun their Ph.D. studies and selected an advisor before applying for the CEI Graduate Fellowship.
Cross-departmental student-advisor pairings and co-advising are allowed and encouraged, but not required.
While the project should be directed at one of the core CEI research areas (solar energy, energy storage, energy systems, advanced materials & measurements), the emphasis for the selection process for this fellowship is not the project, but the demonstrated merit of the student.
Current NSF, NDSEG, DOE, etc. fellowship holders are NOT eligible to receive CEI funding concurrent with fellowship funding, but they may be designated as honorary CEI Fellows, OR they may choose to pause/reserve their fellowship for a year if permitted by the sponsor. Students should indicate if they are asking for “honorary” CEI Fellow status, or if they intend to pause their fellowship to receive a CEI Fellowship if awarded. Past fellows who have not yet received CEI funding are eligible and may apply.
Financial Support
RA salary and tuition provided for 1–3 quarters during the period from September 16, 2025 through June 15, 2026 at departmental salary rate. No materials, supplies, or equipment will be provided. Fellows may hold the honorific title of CEI Fellow at the same time as an NSF, DoD, NDSEG or other external fellowship, but may not accept CEI Fellowship funding in an amount that would increase their pay beyond their standard departmental RA salary.
Award Criteria
To prepare and empower fellows to become the next generation of clean energy leaders and innovators and make meaningful impacts on society, all award recipients will:
- Participate in the CEI Graduate Fellowship Onboarding
- Enroll in the 1-credit CEI Interdisciplinary Seminar during fall, winter, and spring quarters
- Enroll in at least 1 credit of the Broader Impacts of Clean Energy Research Capstone to complete a Product of Lasting Value (PLV) by June 1 of their fellowship year
- Engage in at least 2 outreach events via the Clean Energy Ambassadors Program
- Participate in other CEI activities and events throughout the year
A completed product and documentation of at least two outreach events are required to receive credit for the spring seminar series. All presentations and publications produced with support from the CEI Graduate Fellowship should include the acknowledgement “This material is based in part upon work supported by the state of Washington through the University of Washington Clean Energy Institute.”
Requirements & Deadline
All application materials, including 2 letters of reference, must be submitted by 11:59 pm on May 2, 2025. Students are strongly encouraged to apply in advance of this deadline to allow time for reference letter submission.
To be eligible for fellowships, students must be pursuing a Ph.D. degree and should not be planning to graduate during the 2025-2026 academic year. Students must have begun their doctoral studies and selected an advisor; incoming first-year students are not eligible.
No more than three students may apply from a single research group. In the event that more than one student from a single research group applies, the advisor must rank order nominees from their group in terms of combined overall potential for excellence in research and service.
Evaluation & Announcement Date
Evaluation criteria will include, but are not limited to: (i) demonstrated potential for research excellence; (ii) relevance of the proposed research project to the CEI mission areas; (iii) evidence that the Fellow is (or will become) an active participant and leader in the broader CEI community; (iv) the transformative potential of research and participation in the program.
Final decisions will be announced by June 2, 2025.
CEI Graduate Fellowship Scoring Rubric AY25-26 — For Applicants (PDF)
CEI Fellows Onboarding Day
The CEI Fellows Onboarding Day is a required event that each new cohort attends at the beginning of their fellowship. You’ll learn about the unique opportunities, resources, and people who can help you make the most out of your fellowship and build community with your cohort.
Interdisciplinary Seminar Series
Graduate Fellows have the opportunity to meet an impressive set of invited speakers during Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters. Fellows should enroll in MolE 535: Seminar in Clean Energy to get credit for this series and are encouraged to attend the Coffee & Career Chats or lunch with the speaker. You can also nominate a speaker here.
Field Trips
Periodically, we will arrange energy-related tours of area businesses and installations for our students. We have visited Itek Solar, Microsoft Smart Building Operations Center, PNNL labs, and utility solar-battery microgrids. Contact Associate Director of Education and Workforce Engagement Danica Hendrickson if you have an idea for a site visit.
Professional Development
CEI is committed to providing the highest level of academic and professional preparation for its members. Fellows have opportunities to participate in training programs in professional ethics, designing broader impacts programs, communicating science to the public, and graphics and video production that will prepare them for a productive career. Opportunities will be offered throughout the year; contact Associate Director of Education and Workforce Engagement Danica Hendrickson with ideas or inquiries.
Outreach Activities
Lead K-12 students in hands-on activities and present at community events such as Engineering Discovery Days as a Clean Energy Ambassador.
Products of Lasting Value
CEI Graduate Fellows work with Associate Director of Education and Workforce Engagement Danica Hendrickson to produce an educational “product of lasting value” (PLV). This provides the fellows with experience in outreach programs and educational initiatives, while also expanding CEI’s library of materials to share with the scientific community and the public. The audience for a PLV could include fellow grad students, undergraduate students, K-12 students, or the general public.
Example Products of Lasting Value
- Videos: Videos provide a valuable resource for public awareness, internal training, and orientation. Producing one will give you some awareness of the process of video production, and gives you a semi-polished personal video for your portfolio. We imagine at least 3 types of videos which entail differing degrees of effort. See the CEI YouTube channel for examples, and please contact Danica Hendrickson before you begin production.
- Technical Briefing: This is targeted at graduate-level research in your topic. The information shared should be cleared by your supervisor for public viewing. The presentation should provide a brief context, explain the structure of research, tools used (terms defined) and type of data collected, (preliminary results) and next steps. Produce a PowerPoint deck and text for each slide, record and sync audio with each slide, and create a video about 5-10 minutes long.
- Research Equipment or Technique Training: This focuses on training someone to do a particular procedure that you are familiar with. This video is primarily shot live as you walk through a step by step instruction on how to do the procedure or run the equipment. We will edit close-up shots into the narrative and can edit the audio. This generally requires little preparation, as it is something you do in your lab all the time. Have an outline of the shots that are needed and prepare in advance any samples that need be shown illustrating each step in the process. It’s not necessary to conduct a long process in real time. Edited videos may end up being 5–20 minutes. We have a track record of creating highly viewed YouTube videos (tens of thousands or more) of this form.
- Public Awareness: Targeted at the general non-technical public and designed to provide context and background for topics dear to the institute such as the role of solar in future energy mix, need and possibilities for various scales of storage, grid, distribution and integration issues, energy economy. Think of this as a mini-documentary using a voiceover script, with slides. Do the research and write a script, create the PowerPoint slides, and locate video or images to accompany the narration. We use the built in PowerPoint audio syncing capability to produce a 2–5 minute video.
- Poster/Signage: A visual aid for one of our facilities in MolES, NanoES, Chemistry, and MSE. Create a sign by your instrument or outside your lab that include the name of the equipment or research area, a high-quality photo, and a description of what it does, how it works and why it is valuable, or a description of the kind of research you do in the lab in lay terms.
- Demo/artifact: A physical example of the work you produce that could be used as part of our permanent displays or “grab-and-go” outreach kits. Examples include the earth abundant materials collection, a graphene demo, battery dissections, fluorescent quantum dots, printed solar cells, or colorful samples of printed films or inks. You could also build a simulation spreadsheet, model, or application that gives high school or undergraduate students a feel for the system you are working with, including the ability to change variables.
- Lesson plan: A formal K-12 classroom activity teaching some relevant STEM. Examples include building and testing a battery, measuring peak power point from solar cell, cyclic voltammetry, modeling energy with spreadsheets. The activity should follow the CEI Lesson Template and include: summary and significance, Next Generation Science Standards, time, materials, directions, assessment, and extensions. The lesson plan should provide the teacher with everything they need to go out and find the materials and implement the lesson. CEI distributes lesson plans as downloads from the website, and can build a “grab and go” kit that has all the materials and the lesson plan so Clean Energy Ambassadors can conduct the activity in local K-12 classrooms.
- Research Explainer: A well-researched article on your area of expertise to be published on the CEI website. Example
- White Paper: A significant, well-researched policy briefing paper that is targeted and distributed to an identified audience. Possibly working with the GPSS initiative.
- E-learning Module: CEI has developed an Energy Primer Canvas course for undergraduates and interdisciplinary grad students to learn some basic science in CEI’s major research areas of solar energy, energy storage, and energy systems. The course has a series of text wiki pages, photos, diagrams, videos, and a PowerPoint with slidenotes (with graphics clearance).
- Environmental Innovation Challenge/Business Plan: Participate in the UW Environmental Innovation Challenge (EIC) sponsored by the Burke Center, or build your own business plan for a product you envision.
- Sustained Mentoring: Build a relationship with a school with repeated visits and coaching on class project. We have established a laboratory school with Hazel Wolf Middle School. Mentoring undergrads through UW programs such as LSAMP also qualifies.
- Signature Event: Plan and execute a special event that could be repeated every year. Examples are “Introduce a Girl to Photonics Fair”, or “Strengthening STEM Through Diversity” Conference.
Frequently Asked Questions
May I apply if I have already received a CEI Graduate Fellowship or CEI Education & Training Fellowship in the past?
Previous CEI Graduate Fellows are not eligible to apply again for the Graduate Fellowship, though they are always welcome to participate in any of CEI’s activities, outreach efforts, or events. We hope that all Grad Fellows will continue to be involved throughout their time at the UW. However, previous CEI Education & Training Fellows are eligible to apply for the Graduate Fellowship.
Will my advisor be contacted during the application process?
Yes, your advisor will be contacted as a referee. If you do not want your advisor contacted, please contact us at ceiapps@uw.edu.
Do I have to send my referees a reminder through the online application system?
Yes, you are responsible for contacting each your referees (one of which is your advisor) directly to inform them about your application to the CEI Grad Fellows Program and request a reference letter, which they will need to submit on your behalf via the online Reference Letter Submission Form [coming soon] (send the link to your referees). The online application does not automatically email your referees with requests for references.
May I have my referees send my reference letters before I submit my application?
Yes, please ask referees to submit their reference letters, in PDF format, to our online form. Please ask they include your last name and their own last name in the filename. Reference letter submission form coming soon.
May I apply for/accept the fellowship if I have other internal/external fellowships or special funding?
You are welcome to apply for a fellowship no matter what your current funding source is. However, you may not accept CEI funding and continue receiving other internal/external stipends or salary payments (e.g., NSF Graduate Research Fellowship). CEI awardees must defer or decline other salaries and stipends for the period of the award OR decline the funding associated with the fellowship (fellowships cannot be deferred). Awardees who decline CEI funding may still accept the title of Graduate Fellow and will receive all the associated benefits and honors of the fellowship.