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Special Events

Deep Tech Dialogues: Navigating Challenges and Resources

Wednesday, June 26 at 3pm
Washington Clean Energy Testbeds
4625 Union Bay Place NE, Seattle


Join the Washington Clean Energy Testbeds community for “Deep Tech Dialogues,” an event designed specifically for founders and operators in the deep technology sector. This is a great opportunity to discuss product development challenges and any operational issues your startup is facing today. Our objective is to foster a supportive community among Seattle-area hard tech founders, providing a platform for sharing insights and strategies to overcome these hurdles. Whether you are the founder of a well-established company or just starting, please join us to enhance collaboration and drive innovation across our network.

Testbeds Entrepreneurs-in-Residence, Volha Hrechka and Dhileep Sivam, will lead discussions focused on sharing insights and strategies to overcome startup challenges.


If you have any questions, please contact Mike Pomfret (