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Washington Clean Energy Testbeds


CEI created the Washington Clean Energy Testbeds to accelerate the development, scale-up, and adoption of new technologies in solar harvesting, energy storage, and systems integration. This open-access facility in Seattle, founded on the principle that users retain all intellectual property, offers customized training and use of instruments for fabricating prototypes, testing devices and modules, and integrating systems. The Testbeds also houses meeting and office space where users from academia and business work and collaborate. Through Entrepreneur-in-Residence and Investor-in-Residence programs and community-sponsored events, the Testbeds serve as an active gathering space for cleantech innovators and investors.

Scale-up & Characterization Testbed
Systems Integration Testbed
Research Training Testbed
Coming Soon: A New Lab for Scaled Battery Innovation


Testbeds users include climate tech researchers and entrepreneurs. For more information on becoming a user, contact Testbeds managing director Mike Pomfret at

Resources for Climate Tech Innovators

Cleantech Hardware Innovation Prototyping

The Washington Clean Energy Testbeds have recently partnered with the CleanTech Alliance and VertueLab to establish the Northwest Cleantech Innovation Network through the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Program for Innovation Clusters (EPIC). As part of this program, the Testbeds has launched the Cleantech Hardware Innovation Prototyping (CHIP) program to increase access to advanced capabilities for scaled prototyping, testing, and demonstration.

Learn more about the program and apply on the Testbeds website.

Entrepreneur in Residence (EIR)

EIRs host regular public events and office hours to council entrepreneurs, researchers, and students in the region. The current EIR is Babu Jain.

, Washington Clean Energy Testbeds
Babu Jain is the Entrepreneur-in-Residence at the Washington Clean Energy Testbeds.

Investor in Residence (EIR)

Offered in partnership with E8, a climate tech angel investment group. IIRs advise on funding proposals, financial strategy, fundraising, and strategic partnerships. The current IIR is Jeff Canin, a board member at E8 and an expert in venture capital.

, Washington Clean Energy Testbeds
Jeff Canin is the Investor-in-Residence at the Washington Clean Energy Testbeds.

Testbeds Undergraduate Research Award

Thanks to a generous philanthropic gift in 2024, the Washington Clean Energy Testbeds established a student award to support undergraduate research in clean energy, advanced manufacturing, and related fields. All University of Washington undergraduate students in their third academic year or higher are eligible to apply for a $3,000 award to fund research activities at the Testbeds. Award funds must be used to support work at one or more of the Testbeds facilities, but can be applied to equipment fees, staff support fees, and materials and supplies purchases. Learn more on the Testbeds website.

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