Cheap and easy to fabricate, perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have emerged as the most exciting next generation photovoltaic technologies. Although their power conversion efficiencies have approached even those of silicon, the complex structure/function relationships inside these materials and their short lifetime remain challenging problems. Previously, I have characterized the local photocurrent and surface potential of PSCs by using scanning probe microscopy(SPM). During the CEI Fellowship period, I will explore how optimized microstructure help achieve high-performance PSCs with long-term stability. My research will concentrate on combing and developing experimental tools based on SPM, which can help measure and understand microscopic phenomena involving photo-carriers, ionic defects, spontaneous polarization interacting with numerous grains, grain boundaries, and interfaces at sub-30 nm spatial resolution. This work is highly collaborative, involving Dr. David S. Ginger & Dr. Jiangyu Li (SPM), Dr. Jinjin Zhao & Dr. Wei Chen (materials).
Advisor: Jiangyu Li – Mechanical Engineering