I plan on researching the mixing of supercritical carbon dioxide (CO2) with organic solvents in the context of continuous flow metal organic framework (MOF) synthesis. Measurements of temperature and pressure and SEM images prove that our continuous flow reactor has moved supercritical CO2 and produced nanoparticles. Further research would be done on the quality of nanoparticles or MOFs created and the dynamics (thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, chemical kinetics) of the mixing section of the reactor. Better understanding of synthesis by the continuous flow method could mean revolutionary production of important materials needed for clean energy technology. The continuous process has proven to produce fewer toxic byproducts and is promising for industrial scalability with the potential to produce particles up to 1,000 times faster than current processes. Research on production of these MOFs are the first steps toward a cleaner future for the energy industry.
Advisor: Igor Novosselov – Mechanical Engineering