As a new class of semiconductors, atomically-thin two-dimensional (2D) organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites show highly tunable material properties and facile defect-free synthesis compared to other 2D materials and their 3D counterparts. They have great potential for innovative optoelectronic applications such as LEDs and photovoltaics. However, tedious monolayer synthesis processes need to be carefully engineered for different material systems. During the CEI Fellowship period, I will focus on developing a simple and generally-applicable ion-exchange method to synthesize diverse and high-quality atomically-thin 2D hybrid perovskites utilizing the solubility difference between organic and inorganic sublattices. The bandgap, absorption/emission, and charge-transport properties will be composition engineered by ion exchanging organic cations and halides without disassembling inorganic layers. Synthesis of low bandgap monolayer through thiocyanide incorporation will be particularly explored for photovoltaic application. The characterization of optical and electrical properties of these 2D hybrid perovskites monolayers will be conducted through collaborating with Ginger and Xu groups.
Advisor Alex K.Y. Jen -Materials Science and Engineering