My research interest is on the fundamental spin and optical properties of defects in direct band gap semiconductors. During the period of this award, I will focus on the study of excitons bound to stacking faults, a common 2D defect in semiconductors. I have played an integral role in demonstrating high excitonic mobility and a giant dipole moment in this system, a result that indicates this atomically smooth potential may be ideal for studying new phases of exciton including superfluidity and spontaneous crystallization. Also, associated with the stacking fault are 1D (dislocations) and 0D defects that that can be optically isolated and identified. The study of carrier recombination occurring on these dislocations, which surprisingly we find can be radiative, will further our knowledge of dislocation-assisted carrier recombination and its effect in light emitting and photovoltaic devices.
Advisor: Kai-Mei Fu – Physics and Electrical Engineering