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Nayon Park

Nayon Park

My research focuses on understanding the role of surface modification on the electronic structure and the photoluminescence (PL) properties of indium phosphide quantum dots (QDs). Advisor: Brandi Cossairt - Chemistry ...

Courtney Otani

I plan on researching the mixing of supercritical carbon dioxide (CO2) with organic solvents in the context of continuous flow metal organic framework (MOF) synthesis. Advisor: Igor Novosselov - Mechanical Engineering ...

Oliver Nakano-Baker

Oliver Nakano-Baker

I plan to demonstrate how machine learning, biological design principles, and additive manufacturing can combine to enable a leap in photovoltaic device performance. Advisor: J. Devin MacKenzie - Materials Science & Engineering ...

Yohan Min

Yohan Min

My research will utilize machine learning to classify neighbors based on socioeconomic features and predict local population trends to estimate energy demands due to residential solar (PV) and electric vehicles (EV). Advisor: Hyun Woo Lee — Built Environment ...

Alexis Mills

Alexis Mills

We are currently concerned with the photoexcitation character of a series of platinum dimer systems as well as the physics of electron transfer between the different excited states. Advisor: Xiaosong Li — Chemistry ...

Yao Long

Yao Long

My research will focus on the optimization of energy storage system (ESS) utilization in radial distribution system voltage control, with the objective of achieving satisfactory voltage level while minimizing cost. Advisor: Daniel Kirschen — Electrical & Computer Engineering ...

Giang Le

Giang Le

I hope to demonstrate the ability to use non-linear electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (NLEIS) for solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) performance diagnosis. Advisor: Stuart Adler — Chemical Engineering ...

Laura Jacoby

Laura Jacoby

In the Gamelin lab, I am developing a facile thermal deposition method for making high quality perovskite thin films, and I plan to significantly scale and broaden the library of accessible materials over the next six months. Advisor: Daniel Gamelin - Chemistry ...

Yunping Huang

Yunping Huang

My research focuses on organic semiconductors and machine-learning-powered material design. Currently, I am applying neural networks to design high-performance materials for organic electronics. Advisor: Christine Luscombe — Materials Science & Engineering ...

Hang Hu

Hang Hu

My research lies in the broad field of light-matter interactions in molecular species and condensed phase materials with a focus on their applications in clean energy technologies such as photovoltaics, photo-catalysis, and bioimaging. Advisor: Xiaosong Li - Chemistry ...

Minhao He

Minhao He

I plan to study the multiple hot-carrier generation processes in twisted graphene system by engineering the van Hov singularities in its flat bands, which can be revolutionary for photovoltaic technologies. Advisor: Xiaodong Xu - Physics ...