Atchuthan Gopalan
I will be investigating the characteristic of the surface plasmons of metal oxide nanocrystals and how we can manipulate the optical and conductive properties by adjusting parameters such as size and shape, as well as the effect of introducing dopant defects. Advisor: Daniel Gamelin - Chemistry ...
Orion Dollar
I plan to use machine learning, a genetic algorithm and molecular dynamic simulations in tandem to thoroughly explore the solute/IL space and return candidate electrolytes that are electrochemically stable with desirable transport characteristics. Advisor: Jim Pfaendtner - Chemical Engineering ...
Theodore Cohen
I will work with collaborators to develop 3D printable fluorinated resins and find novel methods to adjust the surface chemistry of perovskite nanocrystals so that they are soluble and stable in various fluorinated media. Advisor: J. Devin MacKenzie — Molecular Engineering ...
Erjin Zheng
My anticipated research will focus on developing new hole transport layer based on PEDOT derivatives for perovskite solar cells. Advisor: Qiuming Yu - Chemical Engineering ...
Qiu Ru Linnette Teo
My research aims to further the technique of Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) by looking at joint time-frequency analysis of an impedance-like response about a non-steady periodic condition, e.g. when a battery is charging. Advisor: Venkat Subramanian - Chemical Engineering ...
Akshay Subramaniam
Thick, high-capacity electrodes are actively being considered to improve the energy density of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles (EVs). Advisor Venkat Subramanian - Chemical Engineering ...
Breena Sperry
My research is encompassed by solution processable inorganic nanocrystal (NC) inks for thin film solar cell applications. Specifically, I will be exploring the role of ligand interactions with capped-NCs. Advisor: Christine Luscombe- Material Science & Engineering ...
Joo Yeon (Diana) Roh
My research will involve varying the metal-halide perovskite composition particularly on lead-free alternatives such as tin (non-toxic). Advisor: Daniel Gamelin- Chemistry ...
Jaime Rodriguez
My research focuses on developing new organic based active materials for grid-scale energy storage in redox-flow batteries. Advisor: Lilo Pozzo - Chemical Engineering ...
Elizabeth Rasmussen
During the award period I will experiment on how temperature and pressure changes within the supercritical phase effect nanoparticles and presence of toxic products. Advisor: Igor Novosselov - Mechanical Engineering ...
Jiaxu Qin
My research focuses on developing self-healing polymers based on pi-pi interactions as binder for low-cost sulfur cathodes with long cycle life. Advisor Alex Jen - Material Science & Engineering ...
Chintan Pathak
I plan to investigate fFinding the optimal locations of charging stations, for a city and state, and Multi-scale optimization involving grid, vehicles, and battery. Advisor: Don MacKenzie - Civil and Environmental Engineering ...