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Wenjin Zhao

Heterostructures of 2D materials, such as those formed by stacking monolayers of the semiconductors MoSe2 and WSe2, offer potential new routes to efficient, stable and flexible solar cells. ...

Bolun Xu

My research focuses on the operation of energy storages in energy systems, in particular, I analyze the profit and the reliability of energy storages participating in energy markets and grid control services. ...

Ryan Valenza

The new CEI-XANES user facility allows one to obtain synchrotron-quality x-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) in the University setting, without the inconveniences, expensive travel, and infrequent access of synchrotron beamlines. ...

Steven Quillin

My research focuses on the interaction of thermally-tunable plasmonic meta-materials with semiconductor substrates and the role this interaction plays in a new solar energy harvesting technique known as the Plasmoelectric effect. ...