Kathryn Corp
My objective is to understand kinetic bottlenecks that limit efficiency in metal-free photocatalysts for solar energy conversion. ...
Jesus Elmer Contreras
My research focuses on using optimization, control, and mathematical tools to explore how distributed renewable sources, energy storage, and “smart” loads can be controlled in the future power grid. ...
Jose Araujo
My research will focus on making new semiconductor nanomaterials that incorporate impurity ions for use as luminophores for luminescent solar concentrators. ...
Mark Ziffer
My research involves studying the electro-optical properties of solution processed materials for thin-film photovoltaics, including semiconducting polymers and organic materials, and hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites. Advisor: David Ginger, Chemistry ...
Sarah Vorpahl
My work concentrates on a new type of solution processed, hybrid (organic/inorganic) solar cell material called perovskite. Advisor: David Ginger, Chemistry ...
Carolina Vinado
Our focus is on studying lithium-transition metal-chloride battery systems due to their potential to be used for high power density applications. Advisor: Jihui Yang, Materials Science and Engineering ...
Jennifer Stein
Semiconductor quantum dots have gained considerable interest in photovoltaic applications due to their size-tunable optoelectronic properties and solution-processability. I focus on indium phosphide quantum dots (InP QDs), a less toxic alternative to well-developed materials containing cadmium. Advisor: Brandi Cossairt, Chemistry ...
Kyle Seyler
My research focuses on understanding the basic optoelectronic physics of graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) for solar energy production. Advisor: Xiaodong Xu, Physics ...
Charles N. Schmidt
CEI Research Interest: Sol-Gel and catalytic treatments for graphite electrodes in vanadium redox flow batteries Advisor: Guozhong Cao, Materials Science and Engineering ...
Mushfiqur Sarker
A model will be developed for Fast Charging Stations FCS, where their locations will be determined considering vehicle traffic. Advisor: Miguel A. Ortega-Vazquez, Electrical Engineering ...
Timothy Pollock
Transient absorption spectroscopy can track the movement of charges as they pass through different layers in a solar cell. Advisor: Cody Schlenker, Chemistry ...
Manan Pathak
Active research is being pursued to develop a new technology that can replace Li ion batteries. One promising alternative is the lithium-sulfur battery, which can theoretically store five times more energy at a much lower cost. Advisor: Venkat Subramanian, Chemical Engineering ...