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Solar Energy

Research Overview

Our researchers investigate materials that are abundant and environmentally benign, with the goal of creating high-efficiency solar cells using ultra-low-cost manufacturing processes. For example, hybrid perovskites are a rapidly improving class of materials for printable solar cells. Perovskites already match the efficiencies found in conventional silicon solar cells and can be printed like newspaper onto flexible materials. In addition, electronic polymers have the potential to transform solar cells—they are already improving consumer electronics, lighting, and displays.

Featured Researchers

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, Solar Energy

Brandi Cossairt

Professor of Chemistry

Headshot of chemistry professor Daniel Gamelin

Daniel Gamelin

UW MEM·C Director

Professor of Chemistry

, Solar Energy

David Ginger

CEI Chief Scientist

NW IMPACT Co-Director

Professor of Chemistry

Devin Mackenzie and the roll-to-roll printer at the Testbeds

Devin MacKenzie

Washington Clean Energy Testbeds Technical Director

Washington Research Foundation Innovation Professor in Clean Energy and Associate Professor of MSE and ME

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