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Abhi Saxena

The study of light matter interaction lies at the heart of our quest to find clean energy alternatives ranging from solar energy capture and use, and better energy storage means, to finding energy efficient optoelectronic technologies. Advisor: Arka Majumdar — Electrical & Computer Engineering ...

Nayon Park

Nayon Park

My research focuses on understanding the role of surface modification on the electronic structure and the photoluminescence (PL) properties of indium phosphide quantum dots (QDs). Advisor: Brandi Cossairt - Chemistry ...

Courtney Otani

I plan on researching the mixing of supercritical carbon dioxide (CO2) with organic solvents in the context of continuous flow metal organic framework (MOF) synthesis. Advisor: Igor Novosselov - Mechanical Engineering ...

Minhao He

Minhao He

I plan to study the multiple hot-carrier generation processes in twisted graphene system by engineering the van Hov singularities in its flat bands, which can be revolutionary for photovoltaic technologies. Advisor: Xiaodong Xu - Physics ...

Ryan Beck

My current research work involves investigating the electronic and structural properties of nanodiamond systems including different dopants. Advisor: Xiaosong Li - Chemistry ...

Joshua Mutch

I plan to perform systematic studies of carrier lifetimes and diffusion lengths in hybrid organic perovskites by optoelectronic, magnetotransport, and thermodynamic measurements. Advisor: Jiun-Haw Chu - Physics ...

Nathan Wilson

I will systematically explore heterostructures formed by stacking the atomically thin semiconductors WSe2 and MoSe2 by varying their architecture, for example, by inserting a thin dielectric to quench carrier recombination, thus increasing carrier collection efficiency. ...