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Maria Viitaniemi

In order to better understand the nature of carrier localization and recombination in InGaN/GaN quantum wells (QWs) used in blue light emitting diodes (LEDs) , we are developing a stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscope tailored to InGaN QWs. STED microscopy is widely used in biological systems to achieve far-field spatial resolution below the diffraction limit. ...

Jonathan Onorato

The focus of my research is to improve the longevity of organic photovoltaic active layer materials by incorporating self-healing chemistries to repair mechanical damage and the ensuing electronic property degradation. ...

Evan Jahrman

I would optimize and apply in-house x-ray spectroscopy, including CEI-XANES, to provide rapid feedback on cathode materials as part of a collaboration between industry, national lab (ANL) and the Seidler group at the UW. ...

Todd Karin

The III-V semiconductor material system takes a prominent place in the arsenal of light-harvesting and light-producing technologies: it is used in commercial LEDs and in the highest efficiency solar cells. Advisor: Kai-Mei Fu, Physics ...

Matthew Yankowitz

Washington Research Foundation Innovation Assistant Professor in Clean Energy Assistant Professor, Physics, Materials Science & Engineering Email | Web Site CEI-related research interests: Investigation and control of novel electronic states in quantum materials — in particular with a focus on atomically-thin van der Waals materials and heterostructures. ...